In addition to our curriculum, our pupils have access to a variety of different activities which aim to develop interests, social and team working skills or provide therapeutic experiences.
Friday activitiesOn a Friday afternoon our students choose and take part in a variety of different activities.
Music We have a number of specialist music teachers that come into school to provide pupils with a number of different music lessons including guitar, keyboard, drums, violin and rock band. Pupils receive a report on their progress at the end of the year. There are also opportunities for pupils to show off their talents during school events such as summer talent shows and Christmas assemblies.
Outdoor VisitsWe often take advantage of local our local nature reserve at Chasewater for educational visits.
GardeningThanks to the M6 Toll Foundation we were able to purchase a polytunnel where each class has a spot they can grow vegetables for use in cooking lessons.
Animals TherapyWe are regularly visited by various animals including dogs and rabbits from Furry Friends pet therapy.
Equine TherapyOur classes have the opportunity to visit a riding school to learn how to take care and groom the horses and ride.
Sports We have a number of different competition winning sports teams including football, cricket and boccia. Football practice takes place every Friday afternoon. |