Return to school letter26 August 2020 (by Craig.Orgill) |
Letter from headteacher regarding school reopening.
Dr Linda James Mrs E. Mountstephens B.A. Mrs K Archer Mrs A Westoby BSc MSc
Headteacher Deputy Headteacher Assistant Headteacher Business Manager
Dear parents /Carers,
I hope this letter finds you and your families safe and well. As you are aware school will reopen to all pupils from September. Staff training is in place for the first week in September. Current pupils will start on Monday 7th September and new pupils will start on Monday 14th September. Start and finish times will be back to normal.
Spring of 2020 has challenged staff and children to find a new normal for learning. What I most appreciate about Chasetown is how even under circumstances we have never experienced before we still are a learning and caring community. Normal is such a simple word and it is our aim not only find our new normal, but to use this time as an experience that will positively impact on the learning environment for our children.
As we plan for a new term like no other we have seen in the past, our focus will still be to ensure that:
- every child, every day is feeling valued,
- every child, every day is being challenged by new learning and experiences,
- every child, every day knows they have a champion they can turn to.
As you will appreciate we have had to make numerous changes around the school in order to allow children to enter and leave the school safely as well as remain safe whilst they are with us. Pupils and staff will need to work differently. There will be strict guidelines that will need to be followed by everyone at all times. In line with Government Guidance we have plans in place based on comprehensive risk assessments to ensure all necessary precautions are being taken which can be found here. Plans will be based on the measures recommended by the DfE. Plans will include preventative measures, including:
- Maintaining class bubbles
- Social distancing
- Rigorous cleaning & hygiene routines
- Restricting visitors to school
- No large gatherings
- Keeping windows and doors open to aid ventilation
- Wearing PPE where appropriate
- Arrival & departure routines to aid social distancing
- School transport arrangements
Additional Information
Parents/carers will be required to collect any child who is ill on arrival or becomes ill whilst at school. It is important that parents/carers have contingency plans in place should the need arise. So please ensure emergency contact numbers are up to date.
Water bottles
Children can bring their own water bottles. These must be clearly labelled and taken home at the end of the day. Any unnamed bottles will be disposed of.
Packed lunches
Children can bring packed lunches to school as normal. This can be in a lunch box which is to be taken home daily or a disposable bag.
Stationery & equipment
All equipment will be provided by the school and every child will have a dedicated box to keep their belongings in.
We will be wearing uniform again in September.
PE kits
Children should come to school wearing their P.E. kit on the day they have P.E. They will not need a change of clothes. We will let you know when swimming recommences.
Face Coverings
Children wearing disposable face coverings in school transport will need to dispose of them before entering the school building. A bin will be provided. Re-useable coverings will need to be placed in a sealable plastic bag. Children will not be prevented from wearing a face covering in school if they choose to do so.
Class based staff will not be available to come to the telephone in the morning or during the school day. Mrs Jenks, the family support worker and members of the SLT will be available to speak with you. Alternatively you can email your child’s teacher using their school email address. I would like to thank you all for your support during the summer term. Your thanks and messages of support have been welcomed by staff. I look forward to welcoming all children back in September, however if you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact myself or a member of the school leadership team.
Kind Regards
Linda James