Chasetown Community School

  1. News
  2. Enterprise Class Blog
  3. Day of the Dead

Day of the Dead

3 July 2024 (by Scott Bennett (enterprise.class))

What a bold and creative achievement by Enterprise! The completion of their final Day of the Dead candle skulls marks a fantastic end to the second half term of summer. Throughout these past weeks, pupils have poured their dedication, creativity, and hard work into bringing these incredible projects to life.

The enthusiasm and passion shown by the students have been truly inspiring. From meticulously designing the intricate patterns to carefully crafting each detail, their attention to detail and creativity have shone through in every candle skull created.

As a teacher, it has been a joy to witness the growth and development of each pupil throughout this project. Not only have they honed their artistic skills, but they have also learned about the cultural significance of the Day of the Dead celebrations, adding depth and meaning to their creative expression.

I am incredibly proud of the effort and dedication that Enterprise has put into this project. The enthusiasm and creativity displayed by the pupils bode well for their future endeavours, and I can't wait to see what they will achieve next. Well done to all involved!